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How do we know what human foods are safe for dogs?
I rely on pages on the internet such as Medical News Today. They compiled a list of foods that are safe for dogs. They have been approved to be healthy in moderation for your dog. The site recommends some of the following foods listed below. Some can actually be healthy for your dog. Its good to be educated on the topic. Another great site I just came across is They have published a 10,000-word comprehensive guide on foods that are harmful to dogs and foods that are healthy for them.
Everything here is safe in moderation. Give only small amounts when first introducing any new foods. Watch for them scratching or biting their tails. Do not overfeed certain vitamins such as vitamin E. You can read that in our nutrition information article.
For a further research tool, I was also impressed with a post from Top Dog Vitamins. They have a detailed list of not only harmful foods but for other harmful toxins that we don’t’ even think about every day! Especially different flowers or fertilizers. It is definitely a great read!
Vegetables and Fruits Safe For Dogs
Pumpkin- typically 1 to 4 tablespoons of canned pumpkin is a good place to start. You can mix the pumpkin puree in with your dog’s normal food. Also, this is an ideal dosage for diarrhea, constipation, or an upset stomach associated with changing food. Very high in Vitamin A. Use moderately. It contains, Vitamin C and B6.
Carrots – contain a lot of Vitamin A and should be used in moderation. Be sure that the carrots are cut up enough to prevent choking. Although some dogs do not chew their food. It can be a great alternative to plaque removing treats, which are high in calories. Carrots do help remove plaque.
Cucumbers – They are a chosen snack for our dog. They are very low in calories and should be chopped up as well to prevent any chance of choking. Cucumbers contain Vitamin K and other valuable nutrients and minerals. Sometimes I mix them in with watermelon on a hot summer day. As a result, these are great for dogs that are trying to lose weight.
Watermelon- This will keep your dog hydrated and are full of Vitamin A, B6, and C. Make sure you remove all the seeds and skin. Unfortunately, the dog will not be able to digest these. Therefore, It can result in a vet bill or blockage if not careful. To prevent choking cut them up in bite-size pieces.
Some of my dog’s favorites!
Banana- My dog loves bananas. My other dog won’t have any part of that! they are safe and should be fed in moderation. They are high in Potassium and magnesium. You should feed in moderation as well. They do have a higher sugar content. They can not eat the peels. Remove them just as you would if you were going to eat them.
Blueberries- I sometimes will add these into my dog’s food to change things up a bit. Do this in moderation. Although, they are high in antioxidants and have They are high in potassium, B6, C, and Iron.
Apples- Make sure to take the seeds our and peel the apple. Dogs cannot digest them. Cut into small pieces to prevent choking. DO NOT feed your dog rotten apples. It will turn to alcohol. Furthermore, apples are high in fiber and sugar. Only give in moderation. They contain Vitamin C and Magnesium as well.
Green Beans- These are very healthy for your dog. Full of iron, and vitamin K. And high in Calcium as well. Also, they can eat them cooked or raw. You should always chop in bite-size pieces.
Peas- One of my dog’s favorite treats from our Garden. I open the pods and take the peas out. Although, they can eat them raw or whole as well. Peas are high in Vitamin A, B6, Calcium, Potassium and other minerals.
Strawberries, Cantaloupe and Mango– Make sure you peel and pit the mangoes and cantaloupe. Also, they should be cut up in small pieces as well to prevent choking. Feed-in moderation. They are full of antioxidants, high in fiber and vitamin C.
Snacks And Dairy Products Safe For Dogs
Peanut Butter- this can be good in small amounts. Make sure it is all-natural. NO Sugar Additives like xylitol, which is highly toxic to dogs. Furthermore, If you have given your dog Xylitol by accident. You should immediately call your vet or the Aminal Poison Hotline.
Plain Popcorn- It can be a nutritious snack. Make it has no salt or seasonings. Do not let your pet eat the kernels. Your pet can choke. Also, they can get them stuck in their teeth and gums. High in magnesium phosphorus, and zinc.
Dairy Products- Milk, cheese, and plain yogurt, are safe for dogs to have in very small amounts. According to MedicineToday: Eating too much dairy can cause digestive problems. Dogs have low levels of lactase, a digestive enzyme that breaks down the sugars in milk. Dogs with lactose intolerance should not eat dairy products. Also, look for signs of lactose intolerances include diarrhea or vomiting after consuming anything that contains dairy.
Protein and Meat Safe For Dogs
Poultry and Pork – With all poultry and pork you should make sure you remove the fats. It can harm the dog if too much fat is given to them. It should be cooked to prevent Food Poisoning. Remove any bones as well. There is a high-fat content in Pork, it should be fed in moderation as well. Chicken or turkey with rice is a good choice when your dog has an upset tummy. NO salt or seasonings. Slowly integrating the bland diet of chicken and rice to their normal feeding schedule. I have done this many times. I swear by it. But do consult a vet for your own pet.
When feeding your dog human foods always check with your vet. Take precautions when your pet is on prescription food. The food you may be giving your dog may already have high contents of Vitamin A. Talk to the Experts. And most of all feed with caution. Always check with your own vet if your unsure of what human foods are safe for dogs.
Remember too many Vitamins can be harmful to your dog.
NEVER GIVE YOUR DOG– Human Foods That Are Not Safe For Dogs
Cherries- The pits contain high amounts of cyanide. Cherries can be a choking hazard. And they are very high in sugar.
Grapes- Grapes or Raisins can cause damage to your dog. Also, they can cause kidney failure or death. Keep them away from your dog.
Avocados- contain a substance called persin, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Highly not recommended.
Oranges and Other Citrus Fruit– Citric Acid and lead to nervous system depression. Vomiting and diarrhea. Not recommended at all.
Coconut- The high levels of potassium can be very toxic. Make sure you always check to see the amount of any coconut oils used.
Onions, garlic, and chives– These contain organosulfoxides, also which are toxic to dogs and may lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain.
Other Common Foods Not Safe
Chocolate, coffee, and caffeine– These are highly toxic. Also,they contain chemicals called methylxanthines, The chemicals can cause vomiting, an abnormal heart rate, seizures, and sometimes death.
Cinnamon- In high quantities, it can lead to liver failure. Be sure to make sure they do not get much. The spice is not considered toxic. Also, It can lead to other health problems or upset stomachs.
Macadamia nuts – are poisonous to dogs and can cause muscle weakness, vomiting, lethargy, and hyperthermia. Although, I do not recommend giving any of your dogs nuts of any kind. It is a choking hazard.
IceCream- this can be very high in sugar and can contain artificial sweeteners. Furthermore, I would stay clear of it.
Raw Eggs- Some people believe this does change the health of the skin and health and will. Also, Raw eggs can lead to biotin deficiency in dogs
Xylitol – This can cause death and is highly toxic. It is added to many of our human foods. Please check your labels.
Bread Dough- this can cause bloat and gas build-up. Wich also, can lead to other complications.
Alcohol- Can cause coma, seizures, and death. Stay clear!
In any situation, I can not stress enough the importance of getting advice from an expert. You can always call the poison hotline to ask them what human foods are safe for dogs.